
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Michael Jackson Guide To Start A Business

The Michael Jackson Guide To Start A Business
By Ivan Caballero

Hi, here is the Guide for you to start a Business the Michael Jackson Style.

1- Start early.
Try to start as early as you can, no matter if you feel your start still needs some cosmetic details. You’ll find out that you’d never be ready enough to start things, just have the willingness to start, decide it and take action. And do not complaint if you start late; just know what you intent to do.

2- Do your homework.
If you know you need to improve everything you have to make it better, just do it!!! Do not look for excuses, start improving now and do not postpone it for later.
Every time you realize it, improve everything you consider necessary in order to get better.

3- Analyze and mimic the examples of the masters.
If you study what people more successful than you in your field are doing, you’ll become little by little more like them: a Master.
Study how did they take decisions, how they performed into the business scene. What problems they found when they started and they sorted all their inconveniences.

4- Practice your steps.
Practice what you’ve learned and push your self to be the best one step at the time.
No matter the time it takes you; put yourself a short-term goal and go for it, then set another goal and keep the rhythm.

5- Rule your business.
Rule your business with passion and devotion to provide help to others. Keep it simple and make it big.
Be disciplined in your every day activities so people see how good is your commitment to provide services or products.

6- Create buzz.
Creating buzz has to be a number one priority. This can be achieved using a word of mouth technique as well as a good marketing campaign oriented to your public.
Plan what, when and how to approach to your customers and loyal fans.

7- Be competitive.
Compete as many times as you can. Show them what you got and how your product or service can make them feel satisfied. You can do it.

8- If you stop doing business.
Leave as the big ones; Don’t let them see you in a bad position. Just leave the business scene as one of the best in the market.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

El Salvador: The New Giant Destroyer

El Salvador: The New Giant Destroyer

El Salvador 2- Costa Rica 1
That was the score in the last game changing the history of every game we saw in the past until now.
It happens that El Salvador hasn't won any game against the Costa Rica soccer selection in many years; until last Saturday, when we saw the El Salvador soccer team coordinated with good intentions for scoring and who also knew how to handle their animosity even when they received an anotation from Costa Rica putting the score as a tie.

Now Coach De Los Cobos is preparing a new El Salvador who is willing to destroy any bad name that they have earned during the past.

El Salvador players have experienced something that they didn't know they had before: "Their high potential" . They didn't know how good they were until this new era has arrived. We see them running like the best soccer players of the world, we see them intercepting the ball as if they had an unknow impulse that makes them fly or win the ball and recovering after annotations have been made against them just to come back stronger and tie the game and win it.

No doubt that if they continue with such ambition to win they could go very far in the tournament and to be an example for El Salvador generations to see what can be done achieved fter a change of mentallity mainly inspired by the love to be the best.

Bravo El Salvador !!! Keep It Up !!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

To Bark Or No To Bark in the USA

Today we're going to talk about something that has been happening in our community and is about to the zero tolerance we are seeing and how that is affecting our society or community life.

Zero tolerance has been an old problem, but now we see it with those immigrants living among us today.

One of my friends came to me the other day told me about one problem that he's having right now in his neighborhood:

He leaves in a community where everybody have dogs and one of his neighbors came to him telling him that his dog barks too much and that barking bothers her too much.

She told him to enter his dog early because every morning she heard the barking dog outside and that disturbed during the daytime. My friend agreed to bring his dog inside more so this lady could feel he is cooperative.
But recently the lady called him saying that the dog barks too much during the day and that he had to do something about it.

Now friends, imagine to live every day amidst non tolerant people and also can you imagine how difficult is to live in the neighborhood where everybody have dogs, where everybody had barking dogs and where the neighbors only have ears for your dog’s bark and you are the only one there who is different than them? I bet you can.

We also can't imagine how difficult could be to be in that lady’s dog's flesh we don't even know if she is a good owner of her own dog and we try to imagine that her dog also can be an abused dog by her. Since she complains about one single barking dog, her dog can't be a lucky dog. But anyway she just doesn’t care how people evaluates her as a dog owner; because what she wants is to show how to harass people like my friend just because the color of his skin.

Now my friends we have one simple idea about how things are in neighborhoods today, where we have different people leaving in America, working in America, surviving in America.
My immigrant friend that I just mentioned in this the story is a normal guy. He works, but doesn't have benefits as normal American people have, neither he has a health insurance. He is very respectful as well as responsible but he has a bad neighbor, even when she looks like a good person.

As much as I know these immigrants came to the USA to work, and many of them are extremely good workers. They do the work that many Americans don’t want to do; and in exchange they just ask for some respect.
I’m not saying that all of them are good people, but what I'm saying is that it would be nice to show some respect to people who embrace our ideals, our dreams and who also are contributing to make a better America.

“We should live and let others live”

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

La otra America

Esta ha sido una jornada en la que parece las cosas se ponen medio dificiles.
Cada vez que leemos acerca de los crimenes de odio lo que nos pasa por la mente es alguien que se cree superior queriendole hacer dano que por lo general en ese momento esta indefenso o indefensa.
Pero en verdad esa conducta de supremacia tiene nombre que no muchos se atreven a usar, pero si revisamos por ejemplo wikipedia encontraremos la manera que se define pero aun no la usa para describir dicha conducta.
Esta palabra que es la mas acertada, la utilizan los medios de comunicacion para describir acciones que ponen en peligro la seguridad de una nacion o region.
Pero los medios y las leyes no quieren llamarla asi para describir la conducta de sus ciudadanos por alguna razon que podria hacer ver que existe malicia intencionada para no tener que perseguir a muchos que estarian incluso formando parte de los organismos gubernamentales.
Que como se le llama a la conducta de supremacia?

Pues de acuerdo a wikipedia se le llama TERRORISMO, si es una forma de terrorismo.
Terrorismo Racial, pero no deja de ser terrorismo.
Que pasaria si hubieran personas que en verdad quisieran proponer leyes que conviertan esta practica un delito?
Probablemente mas de los que pudieramos imaginar se verian involucrados al punto de crear un caos en todas las esferas de la sociedad.
Terrorismo racial, porque no se le convierte en el verdadero delito?
La respuesta sera siempre una conjetura con especulacion. Pero no hay duda que existen manos que se encargan de que no se de a conocer o nombrar de dicha manera.
Pero asi como se hizo historia eligiendo a un presidente Afroamericano tambien seremos testigos de como se cambia la historia cuando tengamos mas diversidad en los organismos del estado asi como cuando la gente entienda la realidad que se vive a diario y decidan que desean cambiar su destino y por ende la historia.